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Room Fragrances

Room Fragrances

Citrus fruit villa

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  • Citrus fruit Villa - 100 ml


    A fragrance with a decisive taste that only citrus fruits can transmit. Of all the grapefruit and bergamot prevail as top notes. The contrast with lavender and jasmine manages to transform the fragrance into harmony. Villa of citrus fruits. Basically it can be used in any environment but it is ideal in the kitchen and in the dining room

  • Citrus fruit Villa - 250 ml


    250 ml product. A fragrance with a decisive taste that only citrus fruits can transmit. Of all the grapefruit and bergamot prevail as top notes. The contrast with lavender and jasmine manages to transform the fragrance into harmony. Villa of citrus fruits. Basically it can be used in any environment but it is ideal in the kitchen and in the dining room.

  • SUPER PROMO - Fragranze Fiorentine


    Acquista Nero Divno da 250 ml + un Refill da 500 ml. Fragranze Fiorentine ti regala il suo nuovo prodotto Villa Degli Agrumi. 

    Una fragranza dal gusto deciso che solo gli agrumi riescono a trasmettere. Tra tutti il pompelmo e il bergamotto prevalgono come note di testa. Il contrasto con la lavanda e il gelsomino riesce a trasformare la fragranza in armonia.